Lifestyle coaching contract will be for a minimum of 6 months. Payable upfront with a 10% discount or monthly payments due by the 5th of the month. We as coaches will assist you with a comprehensive custom plan and be available by text for questions. Weekly coaching 30 min calls to discuss plan and progress.

Group Coaching contract for 12 weeks. Payment due upfront. Communication will be through private FB group for questions about plan. Custom macros included with group training program. Access to app and FB group will be available once invoice is paid and prior to first week of program.

Bellatrix Warrior plan payment due upfront for 16 weeks of access to Trainerize app and pre programmed training plan. Access to app will be set up once invoice has been paid.

Custom macro plan payment due upfront. Custom macros set and sent to you via email. To help assist you with training plan.

Recipe packs payment due upfront. Recipe packs will be email in PDF file once invoice has been paid.